All in Business

12 posts for category: "Business"


Why Invest in LumiShare?

INTRODUCTION   Before getting into the specifics of why LumiShare might stand out from the pack as a  crypto investment opportunity in 2023, it’s important to first rewind to the beginning of our  project’s journey… and to answer…

social media

Smart goals for social media

You must always be surprised to know that so many companies neglect to set clear goals for their social media efforts. Setting goals will help you stay on track with your social media spending, hold yourself accountable…

social media

What is an algorithm in social media?

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for performing a task or solving a problem. In social media and marketing, algorithms are used in advertising, trending news, and user interactions. It helps to improve the quality and results…

Social media

What is The Share of Voice in Social media?

The Share of Voice is the amount of brand awareness in a marketplace. Social media marketing strategies aim to raise your business’s profile and make it more visible among other brands. For a brand, SOV is a…

social media

How to promote my book on social media?

You might be wondering how to use social media platforms effectively advertise your book. As the author, you are in the best position to do so. Doesn’t your publisher and marketing team handle the rest? No. For…

social media

What does dm mean on social media?

If you are a regular social media user, you probably see the letter ‘DM’ popping up occasionally. DM stands for “direct message,” which is a private communication with another user. It’s like texting, except it uses social…

Forex Trading

What Are The Reasons To Open Forex Trading Account Online?

The market for exchanging foreign currencies is termed foreign exchange trading, usually known as forex trading or FX. The world’s largest market, forex, influences everything from the cost of apparel purchased from China to the price you…