The film stars K Jayaram, Nataraj and Dharammanna Kadur, among other actors. It was also remade in Telugu in 2018 as Aatagadharaa Siva, which was produced by Rockline Venkatesh. Rama Rama Re has music composed by Nobin Paul and cinematography by Lavith. D Satya Prakash, who had earlier directed a Kannada short movie called Jayanagara 4th Block obtained the idea of this plot when he was very impressed with a story between life and demise in the Bhagavad Gita. He along along with his close friend Nagendra H S and Dhananjay Ranjan began engaged on the story-line and developed a story around it.

It has been a journey of success since we launched City Today within the month of August 2013. Our newspaper has received tremendous response from the readers as properly as advertisers. Songs, and music was so so very contextual and meaningful for a change, and kudos to the music director.

His comic timing is commendable and his portrayal of the nervous man, yet one who puts up a brave front, is heartwarming. There are some performances though that are not fairly there, however they don’t weigh the movie down. The most fascinating aspect aboutRama Rama Re is its capability to deal with severe themes of caste oppression, demise penalty and extra broadly, the excellence between right and incorrect in essentially the most commonplace manner. Satyaprakash uses wry humour and satire well but additionally knows when to interject and make a poignant statement in all seriousness. The overall experience of the film, especially with its invigorating soundtrack composed by debutant Vasuki Vaibhav, is riveting. The characters are quirky however the world they inhabit too is not any much less wacky.

However, the script was improvised till the end of the taking pictures schedule. Hence, the Director says that the film script was by no means full. For the character, Nataraj, the person taking half in the character of a convict who has escaped from the jail attempting to escape from demise had garbage truck pics to do lots of preparations to go deep into the character. It was not utterly determined that the lead character shall be played by Nataraj. However, he began getting ready for the function by decreasing weight and searching like an individual who has not seen a shelter in months.

It’s extremely rare to see a movie such as this even within the oft celebrated realm of Hollywood, too. Satya Prakash’s debut is nothing short of a masterpiece. It demands the viewer’s consideration from the get-go, yet it is not filled with itself (a flaw plenty of “philosophical” movies have). It even falls into the genre of a tragicomedy at instances. During the preliminary part of the film, its units the plot of characters and their objective. Later its simply philosophical teachings by way of characters.

” with “Oh, you realize, watching the new Hrithik-Aishwarya starrer,” when the particular person next to you is likely to confess, “Well, there’s a employees meeting for which I’ve received to make a PowerPoint presentation. Bye.” So I guess it was only a matter of time earlier than the tables turned. The film was remade in Telugu in 2018 as Aatagadharaa Siva by Rockline Venkatesh. The only factor now the film expects from you is to take a journey with it …

In all chance, Rama Rama Re is in a position to be part of the list of hit motion pictures made by youngsters in the latest years in Sandalwood. To name a quantity of, RangiTaranga, Godhi Banna Sadharana Mykattu and U Turn. Apart from winning appreciation from the critics and audience, Rama Rama Re is now garnering appreciation from celebrities.

The plot revolves around the journey of various characters in a jeep with a taste of humor and sarcasm. The uncooked appear and feel of the film is another spectacular detailing by the maker. Further, it isn’t philosophical nor does it tries to show something however the essence is one which plays on the minds.

In the jeep, with its characters, none of whom you might instantly relate to or like. Each character is as steeped in his/her world that you will give-in to take the journey with them finally. The views expressed in feedback published on are those of the comment writers alone. reserves the best to take any or all comments down at any time. Satyaprkash had before endeavored into a short movie named Jayanagara 4th Block. With the trailer of Rama Rama Re pleasing the audiences let’s see how the film has turned out to be.

The landscape too is surreal and is a protagonist in itself. The characters could also be on a street trip, but to pin-point where the journey began and ended in the absorbing locale around them is futile, one realises. If this isn’t sufficient, Satyaprakash additionally takes you into the mindscape of the characters, exploring and externalising their thoughts and plans. I have by no means heard of this movie before but isn’t that Ashish Choudhary in the pic reverse Rajpal Yadav? He gets no mention in your evaluate, so I gather his role was even smaller than those of Rati Agnihotri and Anupam Kher and Rajpal Yadav and Razzak Khan.